Here we go again, the same old broken record spinning up again

It should be the case though.
That comes across so very luddite and blinkered, no-one can take seriously a non-objective point of view.

Alexander if Xara Web Designer offends you because it's putting power in the hands of those who do not know HTML, then all I can say is 'Get over it"..

We all respect your right to your preferred methods and opinion and no-one is going out there way to force anyone to adopt a graphical approach to web design if they don't wish to. Any solution is the 'real solution' if the tool is understood and used as intended.
It's just an option for anyone who wants to take it.
Choice is good right?

So please try not to force your way of thinking onto others with your bullish comments, if you can't accept WD and see it as blasphemy, then please choose another subject to discuss at TG which we can happily join in with and remain friends. OK?

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