Thanks Pauland

I'll take on board your comments.

There are basically three different menu arrangements with a vertical side menu on most pages and a horizontal arrangement on some of the introductory pages. The Song Menu page has its own alphabetical menu bar. I'll see if I can reduce that number. Old pages (with a narrowboat logo rather than a circular logo) still exist on the site and these have a different menu. These are still in situ so that links to them still work. I am in the process of adding redirection code to these but that will take some time before I've done them all.

I'm looking into producing mobile variants of the introductory pages but want to avoid having to do so for the 300+ song lyric pages. I've always thought these to be legible on mobile devices if you turn the phone through 90 degrees and view in a landscape mode,

In terms of search results I'm not sure what the best search terms you should target. Most of your pages are very light in terms of content for Google to latch on to. I didn't spot a Google site reference in your page source - you should be using Google webmaster tools and submitting the site to be trawled by Google. Also use your hosting tools to see what pages are actually visited. - I'm not quite sure what you mean by Google site reference - All pages should have a Google tracking code on them. I have been submitting the sitemap to Google.

Thanks again - though your advice to create mobile variants of all pages presents me with a tremendous challenge
