I find it very sad that it seems the PixelParity site and Talkgraphics cannot exist side by side.
I value the XaraXone and Talkgraphics greatly, they have certainly encouraged me to produce images that would never have been finished, (or even started), had there not been this terrific resourse to show them off and inspire new efforts.
Pixelparity is another resource that will encourage new images, and lets face it to post the old ones again, in order to hopefully reach a few new potential xara converts.
The Web is a big place, more than enough room for all, mutualy destructive 'in' fighting in what I assumed was a tight mutualy respectful community will drive people away completly and with these resources abandoned Xara will wither and fade along with them as Xara isn't doing much to promote itself.
Its sad, but from my point of view there will hardly be any point in having a connection to the internet if these resources disappear.


[This message was edited by masque on March 20, 2003 at 00:29.]