The Xara users-map thread made me think of maps in general. Does anyone know of any source of GOOD (reasonably detailed and current) VECTOR maps?

I know there are maps in old Corel disk sets, but they are usually pretty bad (you can't get adjacent country borders to align properly) or are crudely drawn. I also know there are AutoCad DXF files available but they are geneally a huge memory intensive series on of "disconnected" line segments (not fillable polylines).

I am currently (its been a long on-going project)drawing (tracing) over a LARGE map of Oregon using CDraw (because of its advanced node-editing tools). I have done what I think are all the "major" highways and city locations and names, counties (as separate objects, not open curves), and will be trying to address waterways soon. Each feature type is on a separate layer.

My intention is to export this to a CDR-5 or CMX format and import it into Xara and make it available for anyone who wishes to have it (assuming the import process does not hick-up). Hopefully, adequate scale information will be annotated.

If anyone else has done something similar for their locality, etc., and is willing to share their files I would be interested.

You may contact me via email ( if you don't wish to post a reply in this forum.

I think it would be kind of cool to have a Xara library of maps available. Maybe on lin