Thanks, Mickie. As you can imagine, things are quite gloomy around the office not only about the tragic events themselves, but for the future of the airline industry and employees. Midway Airlines has already folded, putting 1,700 people out of work, and I highly doubt that will be the last of the economic fallout.

Fortunately for me, I work in the department that determines exactly how profitable (or unprofitable) each of our flights are, so we're probably the last group in the company that may be impacted by layoffs. Some of my co-workers will not be so fortunate.

I feel compelled to add one thing regarding the religous nature of this thread, since I started it. To put it bluntly and simplisticly, organized religion does kill, as we saw on Tuesday and many other countless times. However, Jesus Christ saves. I recognize the right of Klaus and others to choose not to believe in God, however there is also such a thing as good taste. I refuse to pat Klaus on the back and say, "Good ol' Klaus. He just likes to say it as he sees it." There is a time such as this for non-believers to recognize the rights of those of us who do believe. Sadly, their expressions of atheism in this thread only reflect their lack of sensitivity and respect for others.

Grace and peace to all.

Joel Horn