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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Question Setting a Printer

    I know how to set a printer. (https://helpandsupport.xara.com/xara...p_printer.html)

    The problem is, occasionally I may switch to a different printer and/or layout, print and go on with my work.
    Next use, even after application close or machine off, the last printer settings are still there. I actually want the printer back to what I normally use.
    If I change to any printer or layout, I have to print something before that sticks.

    Any tweak or setting I have missed here?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Setting a Printer

    gnomra for printers !

    can't think of anything offhand - I used to copy/paste out what I wanted to print to a 'print document' xar file, set up with a particular print profile, but that isn't going to help you I'm thinking
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