Chris M mentioned … “ Before Blocks were released, we were told on this very forum, that something new and exciting was about to be released, that we would love it. It would change the way we build websites forever. A site could be built in minutes. Well, here we are, fudging, creating workarounds, spending hours on one simple thing because it doesn't work.”

Great hard work on this Chris. Opinion .. The creative mind is out weighing what blocks actually can do, which is what I’m finding. The creative mind is far ahead of Blocks 2. The creative mind is already on Blocks 3 or 4. Blocks 2 as Gary mentioned is plug and play. The YouTube instructions are elementary Blocks 2. I want my flexible and creative blocks to echo what my creative mind wants. It’s not possible “yet”.

Heartily agree with Chris that blocks should not be shared on variants. Far easier for blocks to be independent on separate variants.

Thanks again Chris, Gary and Acorn.