@Chris, when you reset your Control Bars did your Arrange menu lose these options too: Create Web Block, Ungroup Web Block, Create FlexGroup?
No amount of hocus-pocus lets me use them any longer so I'm guessing they are now vanquished.

I far preferred Open Web Block to be able to edit the objects directly. As you say the actions on them have be obscured, dramatically.
What you can do it drag the FlexGroup out of its Web block whereupon you can double-click and Edit Inside.

This means we now have two Xara objects that we cannot unpack or create.
We can actually drag out a FlexGroup and free it. It can also be used in a non-Block set-up for excellent utility.
You can even nest FlexGroups.

A Web Block copied into a no-block page just becomes a Group, pushed in at the bottom of the page?

I have yet to work out what determines a template to be WB-enabled.

I find the only sensible way to work with WBs is to set up the Main & Variant in Windows > Arrange Views.
Only then to discover, very belatedly, that you cannot drag from one window to another.

There are too many balls in the air for this to be a professional designer's toolset.
