Steve, it really was explained to you the last time you raised a Post:

The big change came in, a fe months after you bought into v19.
I assume that your Update Service has expired. If not, be sure to use Download All in the Local Designs gallery before expiry.

The switch away from Magix has been far better but Xara chose to follow a subscription model.
This upset enough people that there is an 'improved' v20 that is a use-forever licence that does not disconnect from on-line assets as it has none.
You have a nearly full OCC equivalent that is not upgraded or disconnected.
The downside is Xara has not explained how bug release or any will ensure.

You therefore have a choice of sticking with what you have, subscribing £7/m for P&GD+ or buying Xara Designer Pro Perpetual v20 ( for £180 up to 01 March.
