BTW I am only a girl when I choose to be....
Aren't we all.

Having worked in advertising for 15 years and then having my own graphic design company for another 12, I know how much damage this is going to do to the art and photography business.

A client is going to ask, why are we paying (and way back when I was working) So and So $15,000 for an illustration/photograph when we can get an image for the price of an account (chump change) from one of the AI graphics generators.

And for that matter, why are we paying So & So What all that money and benefits to create advertising when Chat GPT can do the same for peanuts. And why are we paying all that money to the research director, the account executive, the entire creative department.

I know how the business works. And this is not the small shops. I worked for Young & Rubicam and other major international ad agencies. Turn them upside down and they all look (and think) alike.