Ray, this is a bit of a hatchet job but it might you you an inkling.

Open C:\Program Files\Xara\Xara Designer Pro X\18\Product_eng.cfg (or Product_deu.cfgfor whatever product & version you are using.
It is admin-locked so I use Notepad++ that allows you to elevate your admin rights to allow changes.

There is an entry, ExpiredCCLink, which I changed to instead go to my HTTP Server of Everything (detail in https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/http/).

In practice, I actually use Everything directly as the HTTP server can only download the already downloaded content.
I use a filter (.xar|.png %localappdata% \sub\cache\) and Large Thumbnails with presentation better than the OCC.
Then it is just a case of drag and drop.
So when you hit the OCC or it shortcut keys or More online in the P&L gallery, you get Everything instead.

In the config file, anything that showed Magix, I copied and put a # in front to keep a record.
For the one that was active (no preceding #), i simply blanked the Magix URL.
Not all of them are accessed through any user interaction but some may pop-up when the program errors.

As I like working with the now stale Help PDF, I linked PDFManualLink to that on my computer.
The current path, https://rdir.magix.net/?page=9SHTQNPMCDWN, forces the manual to be downloaded each and every access.

For the other nags about expiry, upgrading or offers, you still have to kill off the Magix folders.
I set Online to Onlinexxx and UPS to UPSxxx. others use a firewall rule.
