Yes, of course. Xara Designer - I was using the 'light' and the '... Pro' version some time ago. And I have watched on Youtube how it evolved or emerged (sorry, I'm no native english speaker) from Artworks on the Acorn platform.

I'm fascinated by it and .. what can I say ... I was also worried at some time, when I had the feeling that on it became a part of a cloud software, not so prominently speaking about the workflow as it happens on the computer.

That was just a thought. I mean, I don't know about this market. I'm just so curious about the beginnings and the whereabouts of Xara. My version was on a CD, the 'Photo and Graphics' version. I frankly lost it and I also don't know about the Magix thing I once had.

Anyway, I cannot select things in Illustrator. I don't understand why and when in Corel Draw liners become and behave like shapes.

So all I was ever able to happily use was Xara.

Best regards