Quote Originally Posted by ukDalek View Post
This error has been mentioned before. It's an SQL error.
See this thread to see if it helps. https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...n-first-change
PS Nice site. A pleasure to view.
Ian, thank you for the back link.

I don't see anything that declared it to be a SQL error. Xara designs can't and don't use SQL.

The error was noted by Xara and has probably been fixed in later versions.
My https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...768#post571768 experience suggests it is related to a fault in Repeating objects.
The remedy for me was to clone the offending Group/Soft-group, delete all the original Repeats and set up the Clone to repeat on all pages.
This might also work for Bill.
