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  1. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Barnes, London

    Default Re: Videos in website

    Quote Originally Posted by roly View Post
    Hi Gary (Initiostar) , I have been trying to follow your steps for the video player V2 and V3 for the last 2 days without any success. I am not a coder , I am a hobbyist who does basic websites for friends and start up small businesses for free ( ...giving back to the community). I have on occasion put some given code in the video plugin page HTML code (body) with success however, when it comes to ..."var source = 'https://initiostar.co.uk/assets/'; " for example, I struggle with what to do.

    So, thank you very much Gary for your support, I will keep what I have until such time my friend wants to hire a professional web designer.

    Hi Roly,

    Hopefully, when you ran the demo XAR's you saw the video player(s) working with my demo videos.

    What you would need to do is to transfer/FTP your own videos to a folder on your hosted server. You would change the code to reference your videos by changing the code to "var source = 'https://my-domain-name/my-video-folder-name/'

    If you can create a folder on your server, share the link here (or PM me), provide 2-3 video filenames that are in that folder, I will create a working demo for you.


    Working Example: https://initiostar.co.uk/about.htm
    Last edited by Initiostar; 01 December 2021 at 04:53 PM. Reason: Working Example




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