@handrawn: "btw you do not buy the program - you buy the right to use it" -Lol. Don't rob me of my illusions.

Thanks for confirming Acorn and Chris. And big ups for the tips on how to download the content!
I am no blood relative of Indiana Jones , but somehow, I'll get the job done. (The latest version installed is WD Pro X v17.)

I have been using Xara Webdesigner on-and-off since 2013 and I have been quite happy with the ease of the program. I liked the convenience of having an array of useful tools for different design jobs at hand, on one interface, without having to assort to 2 or 3 different programs to get a job done.
It even came in handy for a few simple print jobs.

However, when it comes to functionality, especially in widgets/blog features/booking tools etc., it has its limits. Unfortunately.
(Therefore I am wrapping my head around WP now, so I can keep up with the rising demands.)

Still, there is this one site, that I created for a friend, which doesn't need any of the fancies, except for maybe one or two simple updates per year and it's a relief to know that I won't run into any problems after my subscription ends.

Thanks again and many greetings from Spain.