Date: 27th May 2021
Version Number:
Release notes:
KB Article:
We've Just released an update for Designer Pro+. The program should let you know on startup that an update is available, or go to Help > Check for Updates.
What's New?
Template Locking for Xara Cloud
In addition to the Advanced Locking feature that have been released for Xara Cloud, we've added the new locking features for Designer Pro+, giving designers and admins more control over their templates.
You can access these controls from Utilities > Locking. Locks that have been applied to your documents in Designer Pro+ will now be enforced in Xara Cloud. Click on 'Help' for more information on the lock options.
Other Improvements and Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused some CMYK bitmaps to appear as empty rectangles when exporting to Word
Fixed an issue that caused some images to appear inverted when exporting to Word
Fixed an issue that caused blank lines to be added when embedding objects into empty text areas