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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    San Diego, California

    Default Jon Discovers Instagram

    After bouncing off Facebook (clunky horrible user interface), found myself greatly enjoying Instagram. I love making ads, and had no trouble adjusting to the Insta 1080x1080 square format.
    See www.Instagram.com/ExploreArizona80 - I do tourism for the town of Tombstone, Arizona in the USA... and recently we started the www.Arizona80.org foundation to promote all four towns along our historic old highway here. We are... a secret oasis, undiscovered deep in redstate* flyover* country. In my Tombstone, no stop lights. No fast food. Set your watch by the crack of gunfire from the shows at the OK Corral.
    And after many years, still love Xara. It makes commercial art so easy. So fast to produce.
    So maybe I'll make a deal with Magix. Germans, right? Well, this IS the exact place that Karl May wrote about with his 100 Old Shatterhand and Minitou books. Right here, with Cochise high up in the rocks just a few miles from town. And Geronimo, not the nicest of people. So if Magix drops those popup ads, I'll buy anyone from their company a drink if they ever come West. A drink in the Oriental Saloon, where Wyatt Earp ran a faro table and rented out his wife Mattie before the gunfight. Maybe a shot of Old Overholt, exactly the same now as back in the 1880s, here in the Town Too Tough To Die!
    *redstate means voted for Trump. *flyover means nobody in Washington knows about us, and we don't care... or isn't that your Millwall soccer motto?
    Author -- 'Drawing for Money' and 'Self-Publishing Secrets', at Jon404.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Jon Discovers Instagram

    Cool! But Arizona voted for the current president, not the one who lost by close to 8 million votes. But TG is not political so we will leave it there.

    And if you want to talk about flyover. Nobody knows about New Mexico because the weatherman/woman always stands in front of New Mexico on the weather map while she/he/they points to the left and speaks of the weather in Arizona and California and then points to the right and talks about the weather in Texas and the south.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Jon Discovers Instagram

    they say, if you count in the severn estuary, that nowhere in england is more than 75 miles from the sea as the crow flies.. the whole place is flyover in a sense

    [do crows fly in straight lines ? When I see them they are usually circling ]

    I do know of some secluded rarely visited spots, but as i would rather they stayed that way, I'll say no more
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Jon Discovers Instagram

    Quote Originally Posted by jon404 View Post
    Cochise high up in the rocks just a few miles from town. And Geronimo, not the nicest of people.
    Wow. I might not be so nice if foreigners turned up to steal my country!

    I hope there's some reference to the indigenous people that's better than "not the nicest of people".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Jon Discovers Instagram

    yes but [devil's advocate hat on] - that is exactly what some of the settlers were, so you could argue it's six of one and.... of course that may not be the way tombstone wants you to see it....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Jon Discovers Instagram

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    yes but [devil's advocate hat on] - that is exactly what some of the settlers were, so you could argue it's six of one and.... of course that may not be the way tombstone wants you to see it....
    Tombstone. My favourite western, but I really need to revisit "Dances with Wolves".

    I heartily recommend watching "News of the World", a western with a message for today and I learned something I didn't know about the old West.

    On this theme, I have a book called "Badmen of the West" (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Badmen-West.../dp/0890096309) packed with pictures of famous lawmen and bad guys from those days. The bad guys pictures usually feature them side-by-side with the local Sheriff but laying upright against a board, often with one or more black circles across their chest..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: Jon Discovers Instagram

    News of the World is a refreshingly different sort of Cowboy Movie, Paul. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Tom Hanks, of course continues to do no wrong in his career.
    Last edited by iamtheblues; 18 May 2021 at 11:42 AM. Reason: addendum - clarity
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