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  1. #21

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    Thank you for the ideas, and checking the site, indeed your test sever shows up on my phone fine.
    Yes I do have Cloudflare and I will try what you said, may take a little while as I have more work to do, but I will get to it asap
    Thanks again for taking the time.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    Hi Ore. I have had the same problem and am following the post to hear from the experts. The problem usually shows up if I have a non web safe font. I checked and your font seems to be websafe verdana. From what I have found it has to do with cache in the browser. Refresh won't help, I go to settings in the browser, privacy and security and clear the cache. The browser I use most is edge, and since I view the site with it so much, clearing doesn't seem to work so well, takes a day or two and it clears up. I don't use firefox or chrome much, so usually if I view it on them, and they view correctly, and I know it is ok. (If not usually clearing the cache on those browsers works.) The first time it happened to me I went through extreme measures like you, even to the extent of using the host file manager to delete all the files and repost it from scratch - which I believe worked at the time. It has been mentioned that the files are not being overwritten, have you tried unchecking the fast publish box when you publish? I know the cache in the browser is an issue, experts have posted cache from the host server can be an issue, and I have had instances where my internet service provider (not the host) also had caching that had to resolve. For me in general, it happens more if I republish the site a short time after I last published it. I don't get too excited anymore if I can get it to render correctly in a different browser, or call up a friend or relative and see if it views correctly for them. Usually straightens out in about a day on my browser.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    Thanks for your insights, I have stopped the fast upload option, and I will take into account what has been your experience with the web browsers,

  4. #24

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    Sorry it’s been a while longer than I had hoped, work and life stuff to take care of.
    I tried the suggestions that you kindly offered.

    Tried renaming the file and saving to a new folder on the PC, before publishing, no change noticed.
    I uploaded the site to another server with FTP via Filezilla
    http://www.onlinetherapywebsite.com.gridhosted.co.uk/ still up for viewing, not bad.

    Tried saving to a new folder https://onlinetherapyservice.com/test/ It looks good to me?
    Used FTP to upload files to Onlinetherapyservice.com main area, but saw no improvement.

    Can’t seem to get rid of the unwanted fonts, will that make it less complicated?
    Segoe UI Black
    Segoe UI Black
    Segoe UI Semibold : 20 kb
    Segoe UI Bold Italic : 136 kb
    Segoe UI Bold : 249 kb
    I have tried before but can find them to remove them?

    May need some more coffee

    Could there be something wrong with my main server? I could revert back to a much earlier backup so resetting the server?

    Thanks again for your patience and suggestions.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    There maybe a better way, but you can go to each page and select the names gallery. It will show each font on the page. If you click on the circle by the font it will select it. If the font is on a locked or hidden layer, it can't select it and will alert you.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    I did try and see something I missed, but so far I can't see it.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Barnes, London

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    Quote Originally Posted by Ore View Post
    I did try and see something I missed, but so far I can't see it.
    Track back to post 19 @Acorn - the fonts are not the main issue - your site previews OK - I would start by clearing the Cloudflare cache on your server - contact your host provider if necessary for help.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    I reset the server, uploaded the website, set the cloudflair case to developer, mode and the main site is looking okay, improved.
    Refreshed phone and Mobile was much looking better, still some text colour issues, refreshed mobile once again, and all over the place, fonts to large etc, same as before?
    Tested on Chrome and Firefox confirmed it look trash, then tested on Microsoft edge (all on android phone), and it look very good, hardly any issues, at this point I need a good WTF!!!! just to ease the mind

    Will phone about and check on some other phones see if it changes.

    I may have to move from coffee to Valium if this keep up
    Ill give it a few hours to settle down, do idea if that's a thing but lets give it a go.
    Last edited by Ore; 11 November 2020 at 07:13 PM. Reason: spelling

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Barnes, London

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    I think it's sorted - https://onlinetherapyservice.com

    Clear the browser history on your phone - works on mine. I'd make the top-of-page button sticky not stick-at-top (it's bouncing on my phone) and may be move it down the page a bit.

    You can find the errant fonts at your leisure.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Font size after upload

    Well, I have to admit this was a bit of a strange one, it seems to be working OK at last.
    Can't really say why it happened? But next time I will do what I did here and everything will be happy and bright, why would it not

    Been quite a while since I did any server stuff and actual web building, normally its just a bit of updating, time to finish my new build some time soon, now its rest and relax with a nice frothy coffee and a biscuit.

    Thanks for everyone's input it did help a lot, and it is appreciated.



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