Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
onlye, I have had a quick look and the CMS delivers what you advise. Potential developers must realise that access to PHP server scripting and installation is needed

The top three of your CMS capability can be done within Xara Cloud for free.

I am impressed the CMS can handles Xara's Text Areas as these are a clutch of SPANs.
Images would have to have the same scaling as otherwise stretching or object overlap would occur. I don't know what would happen for Web animation but Photo pop-ups would fail.

Personally, I am reluctant to allow a client any intimate access.

Acorn, all valid points taken without disagreement.

*There are 2 options to embed sections into a website; PHP or Javascript. PHP is a problem placing the 3 snippets of code to the proper spots in the page code as well as the issues of not working with multiple variants. The PHP worked fine for me with WWB (WYSIWYG Web Builder) but not Xara. The js seems to work fine with Xara and works with multiple variants. Probably some issues of js being turned off by some people on their browsers.

*I have a Xara Cloud account and tested it in the past but have not ever used it. Much enhancement has been done since I last used it. Can I restrict the client access to only specific areas of text or images?

*Righto on the images. There is an ability to define the dimensions and constrain the proportions but no images editing inside the program. Clients just assume any picture just naturally works in any space with no changes.

As both you and pauland point out I too target clients that allow me to do the updates. But in the effort to address the occasional SIMPLE request I came across this. To both your points allowing a client access to the entire site is a sure way to get mucked up. With the Simple CMS I am giving access to a very limited and specific "section" on the site. So their breaks should be limited to small sections. But I never underestimate the ability of a client to outsmart me.