In Australia, your website displays perfectly, showing the Arial and Open Sans fonts and sitting within the page size correctly. However, when viewing it on geopeeker the whole site is in Times Roman or Georgia and the titles and text over run in the green border, or get cut off, so I would question the accurracy of Geopeeker as it is not accurately showing how your site is displaying for me on my computer here in Australia. When I put some of my sites through Geopeeker yesterday it showed every single site displaying in Times Roman or Georgia, and with the overun/cut off of text etc, even though in most of them the main fonts are Arial and Open Sans, which are websafe fonts and should embed in the site and display accurately. My cousin in Manchester checks my sites for me after I have made them, and they have all displayed accurately there, but Geopeeker displays all of them incorrectly. I have just looked at some of Gary's websites on my screen here in Australia, all displaying beautifully, but when put through Geopeeker the fonts are also changed to TR/Georgia. So I wouldn't rely on Geopeeker to see how your sites are displaying for site visitors around the world as it is clearly not accurate.