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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default DropBox synching

    Hello everyone,

    I see Xara can now work across Dropbox. How? It used to be that Xara complained if different computers had slightly different configurations of Xara. Is Xara more flexible now?

    Is it a case of just dropping the xar file into Dropbox? Or is something else required? Can't find anything in the help.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: DropBox synching

    I have absolutely no idea. But the best way to find out is TRY IT. (Then let us know if it works or not)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Barnes, London

    Default Re: DropBox synching

    Xara documents can be stored, accessed and updated on any cloud-based storage system.

    I have documents on Dropbox and Microsoft One Drive, accessible from both a laptop and desktop (both Windows 64 bit). I maintain the same Xara versions on two devices (which is covered by the licence fee activation). If you have a shared Dropbox folder, those documents could be available to other Xara users in a collaborative way.

    You would be aware that the target path for Xara backups is the local device you are using at that time; so you need to manually save a Xara document on closing the app; this ensures the latest copy is always available to any other device. Maybe you can change the Windows path for backups to save in Dropbox too, but this is not something I have tried.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: DropBox synching

    Dropbox has always worked with XAR/WEB files. I have used such from the off.

    Are you confusing the Xara message that indicates that a design file has been created on a later version to the one you are currently opening?
    This has nothing to do with Dropbox.

    I would not use Dropbox to handling the Xara Backup folder simply because Dropbox already does a good versioning for you. Also, as master file and backup are in Dropbox, they will be on the same physical hard drive unless you have set up symbolic linking. Any damage to the drive means you need to access the web interface of Dropbox on your second machine to start a recovery. Saving file and backup to the same drive also slows down your other processes.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: DropBox synching

    Thanks all.



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