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Thread: What a shame...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Reading. UK

    Default What a shame...

    ...that other forums (members) are not as helpful.

    All the members, here, are the most helpful I have ever met, on any forum.
    Why do I say this?
    I'm sure you know that Affinity is a programme that is out there and there are many Xara users who also use Affinity Designer.
    And I came across a video tutorial showing something that would be pretty easy to recreate in Xara, but, if you want to learn another product, then why not watch a video that someone else had taken the time and trouble to do.
    Well, I did watch the video and to be honest, the video is not clear, and all I personally see is the mouse moving here and there and choosing options that are not clear to see.
    And, I said as much on the Facebook post.
    The answer to my comments?!
    " This tutorial clean and usefully. If you don't know these "mouse movements everywhere" you need more practice in Affinity.

    That answer did not surprise my in the least.
    And I've had the same answer when I've asked a question on the Affinity Forum, before.

    On this forum, there would have been loads of users willing to help, and show, and answer any question I would have had.

    Featured Artist on Xara Xone . May 2011
    . A Shield . My First Tutorial
    . Bottle Cap . My Second Tutorial on Xara Xone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: What a shame...

    It is getting harder and harder to find civility on line. That's the sad part. If someone does not agree with you, or vice versa, the typical response is the person disagreeing must be mentally challenged, or worse.

    From what I can see, Affinity is really putting out a good product that they took the time and effort to design from scratch, but I just don't have the concentration or patience to learn a new program so I just bang on with Xara. It's not perfect but I know how it works and how to make it do the things I need it to do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: What a shame...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rik View Post

    All the members, here, are the most helpful I have ever met, on any forum.
    Why do I say this?
    I'm sure you know that Affinity is a programme that is out there and there are many Xara users who also use Affinity Designer.
    And I came across a video tutorial showing something that would be pretty easy to recreate in Xara, but, if you want to learn another product, then why not watch a video that someone else had taken the time and trouble to do.
    Well, I did watch the video and to be honest, the video is not clear, and all I personally see is the mouse moving here and there and choosing options that are not clear to see.
    And, I said as much on the Facebook post.
    The answer to my comments?!
    " This tutorial clean and usefully. If you don't know these "mouse movements everywhere" you need more practice in Affinity.

    That answer did not surprise my in the least.
    And I've had the same answer when I've asked a question on the Affinity Forum, before.

    On this forum, there would have been loads of users willing to help, and show, and answer any question I would have had.
    Yes, I agree, TG is a wonderful forum and has a number of extremely able, kind and generous members showing the way to various solutions to almost any problem. I try to take my cue from them but only succeed once in a while.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: What a shame...

    Where's the tut online(link?)
    I have the feeling this is about people on some facebook page?
    Maybe try out the forum instead as I find it much more helpful.
    Most people using Affinity products are (semi)converted PS or AI users,frustrated that many tools/features aren't copied one on one into Affinity or working as they think it should be.
    Last edited by haakoo; 26 January 2019 at 01:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Reading. UK

    Default Re: What a shame...

    The post is on 'Affinity Designer, Photo & Publisher Group' Facebook page, and there's a link to YouTube: https://youtu.be/umJalBfybj0

    I don't know what size monitor you would need to see the video clearly, but, when you can't see what is being selected, then it's very easy to get lost.

    I could easily make that in Xara, but, that's not the point I'm trying to make.
    Effort has been put into putting music on the video.
    I just find that distracting.
    Instead, some text showing the options being selected would be more instructional.
    I just found it to be more 'showing off' rather than instructional.

    Featured Artist on Xara Xone . May 2011
    . A Shield . My First Tutorial
    . Bottle Cap . My Second Tutorial on Xara Xone

  6. #6

    Default Re: What a shame...

    There's been user to user—and user to Xara—abuse here, too.

    It is a user-made video with yet another (non-English speaker) user who commented to your comment. It is a poorly done video. The resolution is poor, the music is distracting (good thing there is a mute option). I've seen some poorly done user Xara video tuts posted here and elsewhere as well. No matter where I see a poor tut, I just pass on making comments to them. People tend to get defensive, other users may stick up for the poster, etc.

    While there have been rude comments on the Affinity forum, FB & YT is a whole different arena for rude commentators.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    StPeters, MO USA

    Default Re: What a shame...

    for the most part I disliked this video too, Rik.
    Larry a.k.a wizard509

    Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: What a shame...

    If a video has background music and no narration I instantly close it. That video is crap and I should know, I excel at them

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: What a shame...

    Rik, it's a bad video.

    Most tutorials covering any complexity without a voiceover are not so good. The resolution wasn't perfect (not full HD) but I was able to make everything out. I don't think you can judge a community on the basis of this.

    I've seen some pretty bad Xara video tutorials too.

    The good thing is that there are some excellent commercial affinity tutorials available and two books, so I'd say affinity is in the ascendancy for sure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Ottawa, IL USA

    Default Re: What a shame...

    Not related, exactly, but I frequent the Cartographers' Guild, and they have a very friendly, helpful member base (including me) - TG is not alone in that positiveness.

    I know of Affinity, but no reason for me to look at it, yet.




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