Quote Originally Posted by Rik View Post

All the members, here, are the most helpful I have ever met, on any forum.
Why do I say this?
I'm sure you know that Affinity is a programme that is out there and there are many Xara users who also use Affinity Designer.
And I came across a video tutorial showing something that would be pretty easy to recreate in Xara, but, if you want to learn another product, then why not watch a video that someone else had taken the time and trouble to do.
Well, I did watch the video and to be honest, the video is not clear, and all I personally see is the mouse moving here and there and choosing options that are not clear to see.
And, I said as much on the Facebook post.
The answer to my comments?!
" This tutorial clean and usefully. If you don't know these "mouse movements everywhere" you need more practice in Affinity.

That answer did not surprise my in the least.
And I've had the same answer when I've asked a question on the Affinity Forum, before.

On this forum, there would have been loads of users willing to help, and show, and answer any question I would have had.
Yes, I agree, TG is a wonderful forum and has a number of extremely able, kind and generous members showing the way to various solutions to almost any problem. I try to take my cue from them but only succeed once in a while.