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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Navbar Creation and Editing


    I am trying to create a customized navbar but running into an ungroup and regroup problem. Here's my procedure and hopefully someone can help.

    1. 1.) Create a button with text and group
    2. 2.) Copy this button to the Mouse Over Layer
    3. 3.) Ungroup this button in the Mouse Over layer and change background color of button
    4. 4.) Group button and text in mouse over layer
    5. 5.) Create a soft group between the Mouse over and Mouse Off layer with these two buttons
    6. 6.) Create a Navigation Bar.

    At this point if I want to say change the background layer of one of the buttons in the mouse over layer I think this is what I need to do:

    1. 1.) Remove Softgroup
    2. 2.) Ungroup the Mouse Over Group
    3. 3.) Edit the particular button that I want to edit

    So at this point I thought I would start the grouping and soft grouping again but at this point I can't create the navbar anymore.

    What am I doing wrong?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Navbar Creation and Editing

    Not quite.

    Shape & Simple Text on top --> Align --> Group
    Clone --> Move to Mouse Over
    Ctrl+Select Shape --> Fill colour
    Ctrl+Select Text --> Fill colour
    Soft Group both layers
    Create NavBar

    You creation method works.

    Edit NavBar
    Ungroup to edit graphics
    Solo select required layer
    Ctrl+Select First Shape or Text
    Select all buttons
    Create NavBar with All buttons the same to ensure all get the same treatment.

    Do not unpick any Shape or Text while it is still a NavBar.

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