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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I have a submenu that is quite deep page-wise. If you mouse-over the selections near the bottom which are linked to other submenus those submenus display from that depth in the window always going down, sometimes falling below the browser window and out of site.

    Is there a way to make a second submenu display up instead of always down from the link on the first submenu so it doesn't go below the browser window?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I have a submenu that is quite deep page-wise. If you mouse-over the selections near the bottom which are linked to other submenus those submenus display from that depth in the window always going down, sometimes falling below the browser window and out of site.

    Is there a way to make a second submenu display up instead of always down from the link on the first submenu so it doesn't go below the browser window?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Växjö, Sweden


    again please. I don't understand what you mean

    A link to the problem would be nice.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004


    When viewed at 800 x 600 resolution submenu and subsequent submenus go below the page length. Is there any way to make the menu go up if screen space is not available in the other direction, much like window does?

    Check out submenus to "Off Road" button.


  5. #5


    I haven't seen mention of menubars going up.

    I think you must have found a solution, by reorganizing the menues to put the longer menu close to the top.

    Did you use the delay feature on your menues, because they are slow, people like me leave slow sites.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004


    This is my first menu maker menu.

    If you are talking about the animation setting I have it set for instant. Any suggestions as to how I can improve the load speed?

  7. #7


    I'm not an expert, hardly even an amateur on webspeed. I just make everything as small as possible, maybe that is all there is to it.

    The site didn't load slowly, the menus just seemed to change slowly I noticed that the screen scroll down was slow and jumps. The menues work fine on other pages, any the scrolldown is fine on other pages. Which leads me to think there is something about that home page.

    1. The submenues do not get preloaded. Look at this thread. http://talkgraphics.com/groupee/foru...1185#849101185 I don't preload mine anyways as a general rule for me. I would if I thought all my webviews were broadband customers. I don't think it is an issue for your site.

    2. I wonder if those vehicles that move across the page are taking away resource. There is nothing else about that first page that could cause a problem. FYI, you sent us to this page http://www.mpunlimited.com/index_temp.html, when I hit home from the camshafts page I get to a home page with no animation and everything is cool.

    FYI, your menu doesn't seem to go to the same place from every page. I ended up in https://www.amerisurf.com/mpunlimited/index.html

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004


    That animation on the home page was just added per the client. I will let him know it is slowing things down a bit.

    The site is not live so the home page links are not set yet. Will be shortly though.

    Thanks for the info on preloads.




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