I've been using Xara s/w since Xara 3d v3 and my v12 XDP support has recently expired. I'm assuming that access will expire for online version users when their year is up, and I'm casually wondering how many machines one can access their online subscription through - one at a time of course. Anyway, the online scheme is not acceptable to me. My Xara Designer versions 10, 11 and 12 are all still useable past their expiry dates. I certainly want to see Xara and Magix survive and prosper. I happily support Magix by using Sound Forge Audio Studio 12, but there is no creative incentive for me to extend my XDP v12 subscription for another year because it does more than I need and I can use it whether the internet is down or not. At the time of writing this reply our internet connection has just been restored after being down for >24 hours, one of many interruptions we suffer on our shiny new Aussie fibre network with 50 year old copper to the premises! Other online users may have connectivity issues too, so I hope that the online version dev's have contingencies in place. It is too much to trust that the internet will always be up and running without issues, so having a familiar, working, stable product on your PC is unbeatable in my book.