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  1. #1
    Guest Guest

    Default XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    Greetings! Since the last update to Xara Designer Pro X I seem to have issues with the PDF export...

    Just to clarify my workflow: I mainly use Designer Pro to create graphics for import in InDesign documents. So, I export as PDF/X from Xara and then place those files into the InDesign layout. This has worked like a charm for many years now.

    However, since the last update there is an issue:
    Anything I export from Xara as PDF/X now has a white, page filling rectangle in the background that isn't in my design and never occurred before. In other words: My exported graphics don't have a transparent background any more and are therefore borderline unusable.

    It seems Xara now exports the white "page" as a graphical element of the PDF. Why is that? And is there a new option I missed to turn this off?!

    I just attached two files to this post, the old, correct export and a new export with the current Designer Pro of the very same .XAR file. Remarkably you don't see any difference when opening them in Designer Pro - it seems to automatically remove that white background on import. But when viewing both files in Illustrator or InDesign, you will see that the old one comes with a transparent background, while the new one has an additional white rectangular path in it.

    Seems I'm not the only one having issues with PDF export recently: https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...export-problem. As a workaroud I print to PDF from Designer Pro with Adobe Acrobat X Professional's PDF printer and the file is fine. Which seems to indicate that the issue is indeed a newly introduced bug in Designer Pro's PDF exporter...
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Guest; 14 September 2017 at 10:27 AM. Reason: Added example files

  2. #2

    Default Re: XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    You're not missing anything. Seems like I reported this a while back (and there are other oddities as well, or were).

    There is no means I am aware of to eliminate the issue from within XDP.


  3. #3
    Guest Guest

    Default Re: XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    Ah , OK... Thanks.
    Let's hope XARA gets its stuff together again soon: PDF export is absolutely crucial to me.
    Last edited by Guest; 14 September 2017 at 12:09 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    Love your design in the PDFs.

    Just out of curiosity what PDF format did you export? Xara recently added support for PDF/X4. Does this white page happen with all PDF/X filters?

  5. #5
    Guest Guest

    Default Re: XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    I usually export to PDF/X-3:2002. Just tried with PDF/X-4 and the result is the same, unfortunately.

    Yeah, that PDF is part of the key visual for the project I currently work for.
    It's supposed to be placed onto teal background color in InDesign - hence my frustration because it suddenly comes out of XARA with a white background...

  6. #6

    Default Re: XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    I pretty much spammed the official and private forum sections...and PM'd someone at Xara about this issue. This doesn't happen with the previous version(s).

    Hopefully it'll be rectified.

  7. #7
    Guest Guest

    Default Re: XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    Thanks for passing this on!
    I just now realized that the "Dear XARA" forum section is for feature requests and bug reports...
    I need to spend more time in this forum!

  8. #8

    Default Re: XARA Designer Pro X365: Has PDF export changed in the last update?

    As far as the original issue, that is fixed and will show up in a future update.

    Photo clipping, what issues? If the same as in this thread, please confirm. If a different issue, please begin a new thread, describe the issue and perhaps include a sample XAR and its PDF demonstrating the issue.





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