Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
No idea what you are trying to accomplish, nor why Xara products need involved in the process. Why not use either AD or PL from the start?

But, if you have a mix of vector drawn or manipulated in your Xara application along with some bitmap, would not exporting as a PDF maintaining layers work for you to then import into whatever? And if it is all bitmap, then cannot a PSD export work for you?
I just like Xara. Simplicity and elegance of its core design makes it best image composing/editing tool imo. Every time I open Photoshop I miss Xara. Too bad it's too archaic for modern use. I am not a big fan of Affinity and just trying to find a workaround that would allow my to use Xara instead of Affinity Designer. In a way I could compose bitmap objects ( I use vectors only as confining shapes for bitmaps) in Xara , then export final document into Affinity Designer and replace bitmap fill to whatever bit depth I want, keeping the scale and transform intact. Like replacing textures in 3d soft.

Both pdf and Photoshop export just rasterizes any bitmap object into separate image so it doesn't work really. Could Xara export bitmaps as pattern fill or smart object with feathered mask in Photoshop it would suite me too but it doesn't.