Quote Originally Posted by edmiston99 View Post
I wish I had a Windows phone to test it on. Let me know what you learn, if it's not too much trouble.

I don't know if you checked it out recently, but making the popup menu larger seemed to help too. Try it now if you haven't http://www.shutterqueen.com.
Hi edmiston, it was only yesterday when I tried it, but I've just tried it again. Initially, although the menu dropped down the links wouldn't work until I got to the last one. Then I went back to the Home page and tried again and have eventually got them all to work. So that makes me think its a load-time issue. - I might want to take that thought back because having got to the testimonials page I can't get any of the links to work. Basically it's a bit hit and miss and I don't know why.

Next time I find myself somewhere with a faster broadband connection I'll try and remember to test it again and I'll get back to you. Watch this space!