Thanks Paul,

Without meaning to be patronising I'm impressed with such an enlightened view from a professional.

Plus I am happy that my views and opinion seem to reflect exactly what yours are. I know Xara is 'bloatware' and I did think the slagging was very unprofessional. I am a very honest fellow so I let my friend know and he replied saying he and his customers were very happy with the site, it works on phones and computers [he checks it regularly] and he couldn't give a monkey's about inline and html coding nor does his customers.

I only do this 'business' site as a favour [he's a really nice chap] and so I did take it seriously and try to make it as good as I could and I researched a lot. A few online articles I found said that Google, in particular, doesn't really care about poor coding because there a loads and loads of poorly coded websites out there. Excluding them would affect their business - which does make sense.

But to be fair to me I have said once he gets some disposable cash he should go to a business/professional and take it up a grade.

Once again Paul thanks for the honest and prompt reply - I'd hate to think I'd adversely affected his business.