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  1. #1

    Default Pasteboard trouble

    Yes, it's me again with yet another issue...

    ***NOTE - this is for WD10***

    I have finally completed the main version of the current site I am working on and have now moved on to the mobile variant. Because there is just so much info to transfer over to the 480 mobile variant( I MUST use it all - I can not cull it down )the pages are very long. Much longer than the main site pages. Not a big deal as I can just make them longer to fit what I need. Unfortunately, I have run into an issue I have not had before and need help.

    I want to use an image on the pasteboard to set colored bars across the page in various areas and avoid the "box in the middle" look you get with Xara unless you use a background/pasteboard image or solid color( pasteboard and background/page ). I have done this before and it works great for the style of sites I am now doing. I have run into a problem though with these extra long pages. The pasteboard image does not cover the entire top to bottom area like it should. It repeats itself part way down through the area I need covered vs. being full length? I haven't had this happen before but them again I am new to the whole variant thing and have never had a mobile variant page this long either so...?

    I am doing it the same as always...

    1 - Create image then export as JPEG ( I make it the exact size I need )
    2 - Import the JPEG then delete it
    3 - Open bitmap gallery>select the JPEG>set as pasteboard ( tiled )

    Note - I have stopped sharing across the variants so I am just working on the mobile variant. Main version is fine.

    It does everything I want it to side to side but it doesn't stretch/fit the full distance to the bottom of the page? Again, it is only going part way before repeating itelf. I have tried making the image bigger( 200% and 300% increase - no change )before importing and I have checked all the settings I can find but can't seem to get it to fit properly? What am I missing?

    I have added an example this time before anyone asks. The pages are set to the length I need for the variant. Page 1 shows the image I made to the left of the page( I changed the white area to gray just so it stands out when you look )and page 2 shows it with the image set as the pasteboard using the method described ^^^.

    As you can see it does not go the full length of the page and thus the colored areas are off, there are colored areas in the middle where they don't go, and of course there is a big blank area at the bottom. Looks like I hit some kind of max height limit and it repeated itself mid page?

    Any help on what to do now would be greatly appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Pasteboard trouble

    Help > Importing Photos:
    When importing high resolution photos (anything above 1920 pixels either wide or high) into a web document (including presentation documents), Web Designer 10 Premium automatically resizes the photo down to HD screen size without asking you if you want to import a lower resolution version. For a web document, even at the reduced size, there should be more than enough resolution in your photos for high quality results on your website, so it's rarely necessary to import digital camera images at full resolution for web use.
    You can see this has happened in the Bitmap gallery.

    You need to get the image into the long way round.
    Create a shape and select it.
    Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A and import your image.
    It will now be included / saved into the index_htm_files folder.

    Add this snippet to the shape in its Placeholder body as described here: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...198#post517198, altering the filename as needed.

    Last edited by Acorn; 17 April 2016 at 09:26 PM.
    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pasteboard trouble

    Thanks as always Acorn.

    I actually was going to come back and post that I ended up going a different route as all the mobile pages wound up vastly different in overall length/height to allow me to get all the info in on them. I got so tied up in working on the site due to the change in plan that I totally forgot I had posted this here. I am saving this thread though under my Xara tweaks for future reference however.

    I had to change direction because one page size works on the main version of the site I am working on but it just wouldn't on the mobile variant. When I posted this thread I had not yet started trying to add all the info to the pages. I was just trying to get the layout down. Once I started adding the info it became apparent I would have to do it( i.e. the pasteboard/background )different than the main version of the site. I would have to do a separate pasteboard image for each page to accommodate the different page lengths and didn't want to mess with that.

    I hope I didn't cause you to spend too much time on this. I truly appreciate all the help you give me and everyone here.

    Thanks again.

    PS - I wll be making a post shortly after I finish this one about an odd display issue I am seeing with a mobile variant so drop on bye and take a look please.




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