Quote Originally Posted by jcnassoc View Post
Hello all.

We had a situation recently where we needed to get updated information out to our members quickly via a Xara-generated website. One of the issues encountered was reports that "there are no updates on the website" even though I knew (and confirmed) the updated had been made. I believe certain members' browsers were using cached versions of the page.

Does anyone have a way to force--on a page-by-page basis--browsers to dropped their cached version and reload a new one from the server?


Alex E. Luyando J.C.N. Associates, L.L.C. Microsoft Visual FoxPro, Visual Studio .NET and SQL Server database application design, development and project management
One of these put in the Web Properties > Page > HTML code (head) area:

  • <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
  • <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />

You can also set an expiration date to ensure that the browser will show the file that’s fresh from the server, rather than from the cache.
  • <meta http-equiv="expires" content="Fri, 18 Jul 2014 1:00:00 GMT" />
