John, the site needs a bit of TLC before you start being concerned about SEO.

The Logo and NavBar take up far to much vertical space so that all your serious content is below the waterline, a situation where visitors will simply not bother to linger.
Next you need text rigour. Introduce text with Headings. SEO loves this. Page has no text at all.
Pages are not consistent. Check where the logo covers your msvalidate.01 text (whatever this is).
The top level NavBar should link to something. Click one, wait for nothing to appear, leave site.
Include inter-page links to allow logical site navigation that does not rely on the NavBar. You currently have a collection of separate pages that hang off the NavBar with no internal theme. Use the home page text to link to images. The Service page is hiding. Ask someone to find it.

Doing the above will improve the site for humans. A web crawler doesn't buy your services or products so treat SEO with the respect it deserves.
