Everyone -- Take a deep breath -- Think about it -- you don't want to be that guy in comments who starts or fans a flame war or who can't gracefully back out of one they get caught up in.
You just don't.
It is not worth the reputation hit, the psychic energy or the physical energy it takes to make the words appear on the screen to anyone and everyone in the world.
We've done you all a favor and cleaned it up and maybe you got lucky and Google didn't archive it forever.
This uncivil name calling, the personal attacks, the fear mongering, and sarcastic characterizations of others thoughts ends right now.
Any further posts like these, ones that quote back the rancor, will also be deleted and posters risk being assigned infractions points or other forum sanctions.
TalkGraphics is a safe place where people who are or could become Xara software users, or who just like talking and learning about graphics can chat. Our membership consists of just about every possible country, nationality, race, religion, gender and any other metric by which people identify. This means that many topics and viewpoints that you share with your friends and real world neighbors is bound to be in direct conflict with the thoughts and viewpoints of other TG members.
So the #1 rule that we follow on TG is the dinner table rule for polite conversation -- we avoid talking about controversial subjects like sex, money, religion or politics because these topics easily transition from respectful reasonable conversations to flame wars.
The topic that devolved into name calling here is an important one and I am happy to see, and not surprised that some of our members have strong opinions about it. There are many other forums on the Internet and in the real world where this discussion would not only be appropriate but might also have an impact on shaping public policy. Please take this passion to those forums.