Any idea why the BIOS load takes so long?
The following might be complete B/S but here's my understanding:

The BIOS is loaded from ROM on the motherboard
This then tells the system where to boot the OS and program files, video cards, sound cards etc, etc from
It's only at this point that the speed of the SSD creates an increase in start-up procedure

Unfortunately the guy that really could answer this question, Steve Ledger, appears to have sadly departed this forum.

As far as I know, it is not a good idea to use an SSD for high read/write operations as it may wear out faster
To the best of my knowledge there is some truth in this but I can't find a definitive answer on this. One of the main problems I have in this area is "page files". I don't even pretend to understand these. However I've somehow set my PC to write these page files to my standard HD, just to avoid high read/write operations to my SSD as mentioned.

Now occasionally I find that my HD is chugging away, doing these "page files" and as I mentioned earlier my 500Gb disc is Very noisy. I've no solution for this