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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Very basic question

    OK, I'm a total newbie and am prepared to be shot down, but I cannot find the most basic option of how to manage layers.

    After creating a new page I put a plain rectangle on it - the text at the bottom tells me it's on the 'mouse-off' layer. I then want to put an identical rectangle on top to create the 'mouse-over' layer so I create the rectangle and I can move it on top of the original rectangle etc, but there is no mention of 'layers' in the 'Page and layer gallery' box on the right, there's no option to 'move to layer behind' when the context menu is selected, so it appears that all objects are on the same layer.

    This is obviously something very basic and I think I have gone through the relevant sections of the manual but it has defeated me.

    Anyone able to tell me what I'm missing here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Very basic question

    if I understand correctly - what you see is the page thumbnail - you need to click on the arrow to the left [click to see objects inside] which will show the layers and you can select the one you want to be active

    a word of warning - xara adds new objects to the active layer, but it will still let you work on objects already present on another layer unless that layer is locked [or the object[s] individually locked]

    when you have a layer selected rather than a page, the gallery buttons will change accordingly so you can work with layers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default Re: Very basic question

    Brilliant, that's what I wanted, I was just missing the arrow and there is no mention of something so obvious.

    Many thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Very basic question

    obvious, like beauty, is subjective

    glad to help



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