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  1. #91

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    ...Yes, every 1 month anniversary Xara will try to connect to the activation server to see if that computer is still valid. You can have it offline for periods in-between though so if your brave enough to take your laptop on holiday and work for example...
    erm, Rob...Do you know off-hand if there is any leeway on this? That meaning if there isn't an internet connection available when it checks, is there a decent grace period to keep using the software until we can get connected to the internet? Our email software checks every 10 days and gives us a 5 day grace period if we're not connected to the internet when it is scheduled to check. We live way out in the woods and only early last year upgraded from very, very slow dial-up to a very spotty and poor, but a ton faster when it's available, cellular hotspot device that we use for the internet. During the midday hours in the summer we lose all cell signal/internet for several hours. It could possibly suck to have the software check, not find an internet connection and deactivate until the sun starts to set and we regain cell signal. And then if that happens, is it just a simple matter of re-establishing an internet connection and re-starting the software to automatically verify the registration or is it a more drawn out procedure? I was about to upgrade to 11 but now...ionno.....sounds like it could be a big hassle every month

    EDIT: oooffff....i type slow and just read this after i posted the above
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    Yes, simply go to Help > Deactivate, the program will then close down, start it up again, click activate and your good to go offline for 30 days.
    i guess i can just do this myself every friday evening just to ensure it doesn't deactivate on me then during an internet down time.
    (thx @handrawn for pulling this info out of Rob sucky workaround but it'll work for me i guess)

  2. #92

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    i feel bad posting two times in a row but after upgrading to DP11 and setting it all back up with my preferences i've run into a little issue. using the bottom part of the touchpad the workspace scrolls left and right like always. but for the life of me, i can't get the right side of my touchpad to scroll the workspace up or down. has worked fine in all of the previous versions out of the box. there's nothing in options>mouse that changes the behavior, didn't see anything in XarReg25, rebooted entire computer. and it works starting up any of the older versions of P&GD. just can't get DP11 to follow suit. any suggestions? thx!

  3. #93

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    Wow...the cloud access for clients says there will be an XDP12 in 2016. I wonder what they will be charging as I see this as a major advantage..............if the cost is right.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    @ mikey

    I guess you better make sure your touchpad drivers are up to date

    I see there is a new mouse 'function' in ver11 UnifiedPointerInput - so maybe something has changed - may be worth contacting xara support if it's causing you problems

  5. #95

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    I guess you better make sure your touchpad drivers are up to date

    I see there is a new mouse 'function' in ver11 UnifiedPointerInput - so maybe something has changed - may be worth contacting xara support if it's causing you problems
    thanks for the help. i failed to mention that i did update the driver to no avail. i'm gonna have another go at it later when i get the time. i also saw that in the registry but i've learned not to play with those fields if i'm uncertain exactly what they're for

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    that is probably a good thing unless you are geared up for meaningful system restores

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    Quote Originally Posted by MarcT View Post
    -Art brushes
    -Warp tools

    I may be wrong but those definitely looks like drawing tools to me.
    Deformation along a path is something I've always wished for.

    So were you saying that these are new features because I cant see anything showing deformation of objects along a path in the first look page that Gary made other than that brushes can be warped.

    If this is a new feature it would be very useful to me.


  8. #98

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    Yes, simply go to Help > Deactivate, the program will then close down, start it up again, click activate and your good to go offline for 30 days.
    What a crappy scheme. It should simply be activated until I try to over activate it or until I manually deactivate. This is a basterdization of Adobe's CC and a typical perpetual license. At least Adobe gives a grace period.

    Not gonna like this if I now upgrade. This is enough to make me think about whether I will or not. I really hope y'all and or Magix Tricks think this through better.

  9. #99

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    +1 mike

    thinking the same as you but for what i need right now it's still the best/cheapest route. in the long run...it wouldn't be the first time i've made the wrong choice and have to start all over again

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Northwest USA

    Default Re: Just Release: Xara Designer Pro X11

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    Hi jvila,

    Your client has to 'Buy' access but it is free: http://www.xara.com/cloud-xara/access/

    Yes, every 1 month anniversary Xara will try to connect to the activation server to see if that computer is still valid. You can have it offline for periods in-between though so if your brave enough to take your laptop on holiday and work for example

    Yea sorry my bad, I thought it didn't look right lol
    I hope this doesn't sound ignorant. If I upgrade to Xara 11 (local installation), does it phone home when I start it? I don't like the idea of having to be connected to the internet to use software I purchase, and I don't like the idea of having my usage monitored.

    I understand why it is necessary to phone home to use the on-line version, but I want to make sure that it doesn't phone home when it's installed on my hard drive and then I use it.




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