Well the reality is if everyone wants to claim that they have an original idea, it is not likely.. It's a big world many ideas have already been done. Claiming exclusivity to an idea a melody, art, is a rediculous notion because somewhere someone else has probably did it before you. Maybe not exactly but enough to claim they did it before you. I read it somewhere where Amazon wanted to patent the photographing of people with a white background.. As though they invented it.. The reality it has been done for as long as the camera existed. Ridiculous attempts to control things for their own profit.. Lame.. In the end their will always be people who want to control things for their own profit thus trying to stifle others ability to profit as well.. Frankly its a childish notion where they try to pull in the law to support them.. To control phrases of speech, art, design, it is this type of thing that stifles expression.. Therefore I disagree with any "artist" who tries to control things for their own profit.. They are one of billions of people who are intelligent as well and creative.. If exclusivity is allowed then this would kill ideas all together, eventually there would be very little room left for ideas everything would already be owned by someone.