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  1. #1

    Default Use of Webdesigner 10

    I have a website designed with Wedesigner 7.

    I am interested in the possibility of the multiple platfrom feature of Webdesigner 10 premium for tables ohones and so on.

    Can webdesigner 10 convert an existing site or must a new and appropriate template be used?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Use of Webdesigner 10

    The best way to find out it download the free 30 trial.

    Open your current site in WD 10. Then right click on the pasteboard, select Website Variants > Website Variants > Create New.

    Click Help in the Create Website Variants to display the options and get started.

    Welcome to TalkGraphics.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Use of Webdesigner 10

    Open your current site in WD 10.

    Back it up first..

  4. #4

    Default Re: Use of Webdesigner 10

    Quote Originally Posted by Topcop View Post
    I have a website designed with Wedesigner 7.

    I am interested in the possibility of the multiple platfrom feature of Webdesigner 10 premium for tables ohones and so on.

    Can webdesigner 10 convert an existing site or must a new and appropriate template be used?
    There is no conversion to 'multiple platform' site. Version 10 has simply introduced a quicker way to create multiple versions of your main site which are sized suitable for mobile devices. You still have to create these 'variants' yourself. Nothing is automatic at the design stage.
    I'm telling you this so you aren't disappointed and then angry with Xara's version of so called 'Responsive Design'.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Use of Webdesigner 10

    thanks for all the replies. I didn't really expect a "magic bullet". I have downloaded the trial and am experimenting.

    I have backed up all my stuff so there should be no mishaps.

    I did look at a movie on this as well so I hope to sort things out OK.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

  7. #7

    Default Re: Use of Webdesigner 10

    I am getting on fine, and the illustrating movies are very helpful. I must admit I originally thought the precess was going to be a magic conversion. However that is not a problem I just have to be patient.

    One thing I am not clear about yet is publishing.

    With a single site it is a simple job publish to the appropriate host folder. With the variants do I have to publish twice as there seem to be in effect two sites with the same name. will one not overwrite the other, or are they givven different names on the domain folder

  8. #8

    Default Re: Use of Webdesigner 10

    Variants are all part of the same export, not separated.
    The code 'responds' to the detected browser viewport size of mobile devices and presents the 'variant' your have created to suit that size.
    In this way it is a 'responsive design'..

  9. #9

    Default Re: Use of Webdesigner 10

    OK thankyou very much, so it doesn't really matter if I export the Main or Mobile they will both go together




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