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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Trouble with responsive site

    I am trying to make a responsive site suitable for desktop and tablet viewing and I am having a big issue. When I create a new page and then export the site WD10 Premium creates to files for each page, for exapmle index.html and index_1.html. So when viewing on a desktop both versions of the page show on the screen. Even when I delete one of the 2 files nothing changes. This is getting very frustrating and I am thinking of throwing in the towel....can anyone please.

    One further issue I have is that the gallery page uses flash (slideshow pro) If I get the responsive site to work will it be possible to use flash for the desktop and something like Visual light box for the mobile version?

    many thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Trouble with responsive site

    Can you post your .web file?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Trouble with responsive site

    Are you are manually creating two pages for the index page, et all?
    If you started from scratch or are converting an existing non-RWD website you would go to:
    Utilities > Website variants > Website variants... > and click on Create to make your smaller Mobile website pages.
    Doing this should replicate your existing Main pages.
    Then you just need to push the stuff around and resize things to fit the page width of your Mobile variant.

    In Help (Designer PRO X10) enter keyword RWD then look for "Creating RWD Websites from existing files.
    The info here helped me with my 1st conversion.

    Added afterthought: publishing works just as it usually does for non-RWD websites.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Trouble with responsive site

    This is unusual I will agree, and annoying however it should not be causing any issues once you have a clean export.

    To clarify what's going on:

    When you export you get additional htm files for every variant. If you have 3 variants you the following would be exported.


    Both underscore files are unnecessary. Why? I can't remember. It has been a while since using Xara and don't know if we ever got an idea what the problem was.

    This does not affect the website.

    I export to a target folder. Before doing a new update (export of revised/additional files) I check the target for the stupid underscore files.

    If they are present I delete them and do the export. Exporting will be fine a few more times before the additional underscore files return. So we go through the procedure again.

    Delete and then re-export once the target folder is empty.

    This behavior was introduced with v10, and yes it is annoying.

    It's a file export issue not a site variant performance problem.

    I would be interested to hear if others have experienced this.
    Last edited by ngbris72; 23 February 2015 at 11:00 PM. Reason: Clarity

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Trouble with responsive site

    I do not agree with this at all. Publishing FTPs one html only - not multiple. Looking at the host directory I publish to I can verify I have only ONE index.htm file for two variants - which is exactly what XARA says you should get . You publish one website with one set of files. From Xara Help (refer to second sentence, please):

    "The important thing is that the content - that is the text, the pictures, the graphics and color schemes, are shared between all the variants. The second important point is that the multiple layout variants for each page are not separate HTML files, but are all part of one HTML file, that can dynamically and instantly change from one layout to another depending on the browser width."




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