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  1. #1

    Default Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    Name:  3_colour_blend_01.png
Views: 1010
Size:  24.1 KB

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3_colour_blend_02.png 
Views:	441 
Size:	6.8 KB 
ID:	105778

    I am trying to replicate a fill within a text that has 3 colours, image one is the original.

    Image 2 is the best I've got up to now, but I'm still a long way off understanding how to blend, control the colours to only 3 and make the band thickness's as can be seen.

    What I am doing is:

    1 - creating an oblong shape and duplicating (the blend tool seems only to work with 2 - I initially tried/had 5; red, orange, yellow, pale yellow, green)
    2 - one shape is red, the other green
    3 - select and blend, increase the steps, select rainbow, use position and attribute profiles to try and fine tune/position etc
    4 - create a bitmap copy
    5 - select text, select fill tool, select bitmap, select copy from 4 above

    I have tried different heights/thickness's of the oblongs.
    I have tried adding space between them, to see how that affects the end result.
    I have tried manoeuvring the right angled arrows but this always has a negative effect

    The blend in image 2 introduces orange which I don't want and the yellow middle is not high/thick enough. Only the green looks nearly right.

    How can I easily control the colours required and their thickness's please?

    Perhaps I am using the wrong tool or perhaps another program deals with this better?

    Thanks you in advance for your help.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    I might have come up with a workaround:

    Name:  3_colour_blend_03.png
Views: 913
Size:  5.0 KB

    I've taken the original blend and kept the position and attribute profiles at zero, and then added a 3rd rectangle shape on top, positioned centrally, coloured yellow, added 25% transparency, played with the thickness, then created the bitmap copy and applied.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    Why not use colour Gradients instead of Blends. Just took about 2 secs to do this but it's easier to do. You might be wanting to learn how to blend and a great place is at the Xone have a look here, the only thing it is on strokes; http://www.xaraxone.com/webxealot/workbook14/page_3.htm
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    Design is thinking made visual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    Yes, grad fills are the way to do this and you can drag two yellow colours onto the graduation line to get the flat yellow section in the middle.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    I've tried the gradient linear simple fade fill effect, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Yes this is good to have the ability to choose 4 colours, I've learnt something I didn't know here too

    However, to get the centre thickness right, the top and bottom colours lose their impact, because the centre band becomes 'neon' like shining, even when I go into the Pantone CMYK Uncoated and select a fairly pale yellow. The brilliance applied to the centre band due the thickness required, just takes away the red and green. So for now, I have to play around with my workaround.

    Thanks guys, I do appreciate your input

  6. #6

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    A printed graphic will always look a tad grainier than a "fresh" vector graphic on-screen.

    What you won't easily obtain the the slight grainy transition between the stops, but likely can with filters. Or post export editing in a bitmap editor to add grain.

    In any case, multiple stops along the gradient path works fine.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	capture-002604.jpg 
Views:	425 
Size:	26.1 KB 
ID:	105783

  7. #7

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    Here I exported as a transparent PNG and added a bit of grain effect in an image editor.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	capture-002605.png 
Views:	433 
Size:	100.9 KB 
ID:	105784

  8. #8

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    Hi Mike, you've got a good effect there - is this using gradients as I can't get the flat colours you have. How did you do this please?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    I have attached the XAR file. Made with XDP, don't know what you are using.

    This version of the file has your image, the native XAR text as curves, and the same screen shot with the grain in it.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Trying to recreate a colour blend within a text - stumped.

    Quote Originally Posted by Albacore View Post
    Why not use colour Gradients instead of Blends. Just took about 2 secs to do this but it's easier to do. You might be wanting to learn how to blend and a great place is at the Xone have a look here, the only thing it is on strokes; http://www.xaraxone.com/webxealot/workbook14/page_3.htm
    Hi Albacore!

    Thank you for pointing out the workbooks. I learn a lot from doing excercises. Sometimes the information in the youtube clips go too fast for me because there is such a lot to see. Could you point me to more workbooks? Is there a workbooksection that I can access?




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