If you have a Costco near you try them as these are the only digital printers that I know whose machine are calibrated every week. On you Spyder 2 calibration that means your are producing your own ICC colour profiles so that the white on your screen is exactly the same white as your paper but you have to have the Pro ver.to adjust the RGB values if my memory is correct. That's the way I use to check mine when I was working in a newspaper and also we had special light to view any wet copies that we made. With those profiles we could import into PS and ID and be sure they were right and as you are a photographer you must at least have PS Elements to work from. Taking files to a printer that you don't know is a real bummer as most don't even bother to check their output of your file so if I was in your shoes I would pop into my local digital print shop and explain to him your problem. They will now take trouble over your print but may charge a few pence/cents more than Fed-Ex as they might switch off their colour management and use your profile. Again I am using my memory here and when you used your Spyder and you saved the profile it you have save it with a name like SyderExpress2 if you did not give it your own name. I found using their patches and comparing the supplied same patch .tiff file worked well. The bit that didn't work for me when I brought it home now and again was greyscale my Canon S9000 wouldn't couldn't print B & W prints!