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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Africa

    Default Changing colour of multiple objects

    Say I have 50 rectangles on 5 pages of a site and they are all black. I want to change them to gray for example. Without manually selecting each of them, is there a quick way to do this?
    I thought of cloning the 1st rectangle multiple times and then changing it's fill, but this doesn't work.
    Many thanks,

    Edit: What's the point of the clone command if it's just the same as copy and paste or duplicate ????
    Last edited by letsgofishing; 29 September 2014 at 08:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    East Sussex, England

    Default Re: Changing colour of multiple objects

    method 1: Change the colour of the first one and copy to clipboard, select the others and paste attributes.
    method 2: Use the names gallery to select the used colour and click on the new colour - only use this method if you want to change all instances of that colour.

    Software: XDPX9, WD9,WD10,XDPX10,WD11,XDPX11,XDP365

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Africa

    Default Re: Changing colour of multiple objects

    method 2: Use the names gallery to select the used colour and click on the new colour - only use this method if you want to change all instances of that colour.

    This is exactly what I want to do.
    I created a rectangle and filled it with with a colour and named it "yellow". BTW, I right clicked the rectangle and selected "names" - I didn't use the names option in the colour editor?
    I then duplicated that rectangle 3 time - then selected the original and selected a new colour from the colour bar - only the colour of the first rectangle changed.....

    BTW, what is the function of the clone command?
    Many thanks,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Changing colour of multiple objects

    Method 2 says use the Name gallery, but you used the Names dialog. The Clone function just makes an identical copy of the selected object in the exact same XY position.

    However I suggest Method 3: Use Live Copies. You have to do this in advance but once you have done it you have the freedom to change the rectangles alone, without changing any other colours, and you can change other properties too like size, corner rounding, etc. All changes will be propagated to all Live Copies.

    Draw rectangle, Create Live Copy (from the right-click menu), copy those Live Copy versions of the object around on that page and onto other pages. Now when you make any change to any of the rectangles, they all change.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    South Africa

    Default Re: Changing colour of multiple objects

    Thanks for the response Phil. Unfortunately, when I right click, there is no "live copy" option - I'm using P&LD10P.
    But I got it to work using "names" in the colour editor....




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