Hello Bb2,
Thanks much for the response. I can certainly provide a link to the live pages if needed, but will specifiy here they are of adult nature. If this forum has no trouble with posting links to adult sites I will provide the link. Let me know.

However, I can tell you for sure nothing in the code has been changed. I should have specified earlier that I didn't just create the navbars. I used one of the template sets in Webstyle, and that template set included the navbar already (theme). So, I didn't create the page and then insert the nav bar. I started with one of the themes, which already had the navbar, and then just edited the links of the navbar. Again, the problem isn't when previewed locally in a browser, or even online. In both of those cases the navbar shows correctly and does work. My problem is now when I open these pages in my editor, the navbars do not appear, so I don't know how to edit the links if I can't see the navbar to edit. When I first started the site the navbars appeared in the editor and I would right click and edit. Thanks again for your assistance.