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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Brest, Belarus


    Let me express my opinion in this discussion too.

    XARA infact is developed and improved too slow.

    As for Sodipodi, Inkscape, etc, they are
    still VERY FAR from XARA.

    p.s. Can anybody tell me does SVG support any compression? If not, what the difference from AI?
    Regards, Dmitry.
    Useful utils for Xara: http://xaraxtv.at.tut.by

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Skødstrup, Denmark


    SVG does support a compression, I believe it is a sort of zipped format: "SVGZ" actually :-)

    BTW I see SVG more as a strong open standard file format, which has its roots solid planted in grounds of XML, SMIL, DOM, Scripting and other nice standard things.

    The great thing with that is ofcause portabillity between
    <LI>media (through the XML part - did you know that as of Adobe Reader 5.1 SVG can be embeded into PDF?!)Example
    <LI> rendering devices (it is allready avalibel for PDAs and Mobile phones) Example info
    <LI>As a "SVG developer" you are familiar with terms and technologies like XML, SMIL, Scripting (EcmaScript for instance) and DOM. You get a "synergy" effect - "learn this here and you can use it anywhere". Like "Why learn Danish instead of English? People speaking Danish are perhaps 5.5 million people".[/list]

    So lets get SVG shall we!!!? :-)

    "Everything has two sides"

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Ingolstadt, Germany


    SVG does have some advantages over Flash, but for the web it's not there yet. However it's useful for far more than just the web, and is headed towards becoming a standard interchange format for advanced vectors. This is sorely needed given the clumsiness of the existing 'de-facto standard' formats WMF, DXF, EPS etc.

    For me the really important feature is its XML-based nature. Charles hinted that Xara might at some point (before SVG) export its own XML-based file format, which would be almost as good, for me; presumably it would lend itself to being transformed into SVG anyway.

    In the short term I just want to be able to process drawings made in Xara with my own tools. In the long term I want the data I have created to remain available, not locked away in binary gunk like, for example, my old ArtWorks docs.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Skødstrup, Denmark


    I agree Andrew - SVG is strong but not a Flash killer at the moment!

    The XML part openes up many doors - For instance transformation using standard products. Allowing you to transform your XML version of a -say- a Xara document into -say- SVG.

    By the way, today "serializing" objects are very commenly done into XML. It would be a nice feature to have in Xara: "Save as XML.." and "Load XML file..."

    An XSD descriping the requirements of Xara objects would allow this sort of things...

    I HAVE seen the old description that Xara has published about the structure of ".WEB" format... Hmmm... It is allright, I guess, for hardcore programmer (which I am not)...

    Well, I am taking things easy and hope for the best! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

    "Everything has two sides"

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, TX USA


    You can use Real-Draw Pro to do svg output and import if you need it. In fact I think Carlos the author of Realdraw has visited this forum in the past. This program is similar to Xara in many ways.





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