If interested, I just wanted to add that you can batch process and copyright images using Adobe Lightroom or Paint Shop Pro Photo. Both of these programs are reasonable to purchase and both will batch process the image. I typically use Lightroom to watermark because I can also reduce the size and quality of the image while saving the copyright onto the image all at the same time. Very quick and simple. I just make sure that I have it save the new set of images in a new folder (typically named Web Ready Images). Any time I post an image to the web, I resize it and copyright it. I figure if people do right-click-save the image it isn't going to give them a very nice print if that is what they are going for. If they just want to post it on their blog or facebook, etc. it will be promoting my business by the copyright on the image.

I just thought I would share. Now, if I could only get busy and finish my darn website so I could get it live on the web. ;-)