I have done beginners tutorials 1,2, & 3.I have only ever used Xara for photo editing, but now I wish to branch out and do some vector drawing. Can anyone recommend some easy tutorials for vector drawing please?
I have done beginners tutorials 1,2, & 3.I have only ever used Xara for photo editing, but now I wish to branch out and do some vector drawing. Can anyone recommend some easy tutorials for vector drawing please?
Look on xaraxone.com and search YouTube. There is a wealth of information there. Mostly learn the tools and experiment. Take part in the challenges. Even if you don't think what you come up with is good enough, it forces you to learn.
Larry a.k.a wizard509
Never give up. You will never fail, but you may find a lot of ways that don't work.
Go here: http://www.xaraxone.com/html/tutorials.html Start with the tutorials from 1996 and go forward to 2011. When you're done you will have a great foundation using the vector tools
There are also the Xara Xone Workbooks which are more how to articles. These were good until the author ran out of steam and ideas.
Joel, it's time to quit your day job and pursue your photography full time. You are that good.
Gary W. Priester
gwpriester.com | eyetricks-3d-stereograms.com | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
Thanks Gary, I appreciate the affirmation...