Thanks Gary, it's been a while - since I last connected with you and in figuring out some of this graphic stuff! I used to do web sites back in 80s and 90s, but when we lost our daughter, I went back to school and did other things for a while. However, I need to update a realllllly out of date site. With that, I have set out revive my web skills and to do it right - getting rid of tables and going the div tag, CSS and 960 grid path. However, I've had trouble grasping the concepts all at once till I found Ben Jones' 17-video tutorial. Slicing and dicing was his way of setting up his div tags using the slices as containers to set things up. It's slick, or at least was understandable to me as someone who is getting back into this. I've been using what I have found, but nothing has worked. So, I will try this and see how I make out.

Thank you (!!!) for taking the time to do this for me and the advice; it's been kinda frustrating spinning my wheels and getting no where.