Quote Originally Posted by skech View Post
Just two more things I want to suggest:

There is an option within the pop up options to dim the background, you should use this as it gives proper definition to the photos when they zoom in.

Secondly on your shop the product description text is far too dark, consider a lighter grey, also on the category headings for the breadcrumbs the blue just stands out far too much, more than it needs to, so perhaps use the slightly darker grey for this than the product description text, as it is that which needs to stand out.
I get what you are saying about the text colour and have spent a while looking how the heck you change text colour in CSS. I gather that I make a duplicate of the standard theme and then go and change just the bit I want to change like the text from light grey to white.

I am very sorry but I just can't see how to get it.

Can you perhaps just give me a nudge in the right direction please.


Thanks to the other contributors also, I will update.