Hi Gary,

Just tried that and said my WD 7 was all up to date but have not updated for a couple of weeks and definitely not today. so it will not let me upgrade my about bit says I have is that the latest?

I seem to have got most of the stuff I want on my pages now, using a combination of publishing from Xara, when you look at the website all the images are mangled, so what I do then is upload the htm files with Filezilla and that sorts out the images.

I have tried to put 2 galleries on 1 page, but will only show the 1st gallery and ignores the other gallery, I have even tried just putting a pop up photo on the page with the gallery but just ignores them as well, even though it looks perfect in the preview.

Would there be any merit in upgrading to the wd9 pro? I feel the the 7 is struggling to cope with what I want.

Thanks for you help in any case.

Much appreciated.
